Just like the Roses

When what was once the fruitful flower dies

It falls away and becomes consumed by the earth 

After a period of slow decay

Steady rebirth begins 

Stems grow tall, leaves glisten green and colorful buds bust into life

We too must allow what is no longer needed to fall away to make space for new and fruitful. Just like the roses

It can be scary saying goodbye to that which no longer serves us, it can almost seem an impossible task to break habits which have stemmed from the earliest memories but to embrace the fullness and beauty of ourselves it’s a vital part of life. Nature symbolises this for us every year through the seasons yet most of us continue to overlook it’s important message. Let it go. Create space for the new. Burst into life just like the roses.

Terasa Murray

Yoga Practitioner

Psychology MSc

Psychotherapy trainee

Studio Owner

Fitness Coach at Curves


Your Soul Has a Voice, Let it Speak