Why we need to drop the ego when it comes to Yoga

Why I Started Flourish

If I’m completely honest, upon reflection, I recognise that my initial reasons for starting this studio were somewhat selfish. I couldn’t find a local space where I enjoyed practicing yoga. With the onset of COVID-19, studios closed, and like many others, my practice moved to my home. While practicing at home has its benefits, it certainly has its drawbacks. For one, I didn’t have enough space and frequently found myself bumping into furniture. Additionally, it was challenging to find peace with my kids around, often forcing me to retreat to the garden or even Bushy Park.

When studios finally reopened, I noticed a significant difference between the yoga I practiced at home and what was offered at local studios. I couldn’t find one that felt right until I stumbled upon Flourish. It was then that I realized how much the space and community mattered. Before COVID, my yoga journey was largely ego-driven; I wanted to look good, feel good, and be good at yoga. It wasn’t about establishing a better relationship with myself or connecting with like-minded people.

The isolation and inward journey during the pandemic changed my perspective. As Lao Tzu said, “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” I became more aware of my core values and beliefs. My journey of self-discovery had already led me to make many significant changes, letting go of old versions of myself, including career paths, hobbies, interests, and relationships. These changes didn’t come without turmoil, and they felt more like natural byproducts of my journey rather than active choices.

So, starting Flourish was less of a choice and more of a calling.

The Importance of Reflection

It’s only when I sit back and reflect—something many of us don’t make enough time for—that I can make sense of the chaos we call life. This is one of my go-to quotes in yoga class: "Time to pause and reflect." As Socrates famously said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It's through this process that we can address things that might not be working and make necessary changes before reaching goals that we may find unfulfilling. Regular reflection has been a continuous part of my journey over the past few years and has proven to be incredibly valuable.

The Unexpected Path to Flourish

Starting a yoga studio was never my goal. In fact, when my husband first suggested it years ago, while we sat in a coffee shop opposite a yoga studio in Hampton Hill, I was horrified. At the time, I was deeply engrossed in the grueling process of applying for doctorate training and thought the suggestion was ridiculous. Looking back, I realise that if I had paused, listened, and reflected, I might have saved myself a lot of termoil, stress, anxiety, and time.

As the philosopher Rumi once said, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Hindsight is a funny thing.

When I began my counseling and psychotherapy training and started working at a mental health charity as a talking therapist, I found myself more aligned with my true passions. The journey was not straightforward, but it led me to a place where I could combine my love for yoga and my commitment to mental health.


Dropping the ego in yoga allows us to truly connect with ourselves and others. As Eckhart Tolle says, “The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind pattern.” It's not about how we look or perform but about our inner journey and the community we build. Flourish was born out of a desire to create a space where we can all grow together, free from ego and full of compassion. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Let's continue to pause, reflect, and flourish together.

Terasa Murray

Yoga Practitioner

Psychology MSc

Psychotherapy trainee

Studio Owner

Fitness Coach at Curves


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