Yoga For Teen’s

Sign up for our Teen Yoga Classes

Yoga for Teens aged 12-17. In a world filled with academic pressures, social challenges, and the constant bombardment of technology, yoga provides an oasis of calm and self-discovery for teenagers. Discover the myriad benefits of yoga for the younger generation and learn how our accredited yoga instructor can guide your teen on a journey to enhanced mental and physical well-being.

The Importance of Yoga for Teenagers: Teenagers today face a unique set of challenges, from academic stress to peer pressure and the ever-present influence of digital media. Yoga offers them a toolkit to navigate these challenges with grace and resilience.

Next course begins in January 2024

Benefits of Yoga for Teens:

1. Stress Reduction: Yoga teaches teens to manage stress through controlled breathing and mindfulness techniques, helping them remain calm and composed during difficult moments.

2. Improved Concentration: Regular practice of yoga enhances focus and concentration, which can positively impact academic performance.

3. Enhanced Physical Fitness: Yoga builds strength, flexibility, and balance, promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing common sports injuries.

4. Emotional Regulation: Teens learn to identify and manage their emotions, fostering emotional intelligence and healthier relationships.

5. Boosted Self-Esteem: Yoga encourages self-acceptance and self-confidence, allowing teens to develop a positive self-image.

6. Better Sleep: Yoga relaxes the nervous system, leading to improved sleep quality, a crucial aspect of adolescent development.

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Meet Clair

As a Senior Yoga Alliance teacher, Claire possesses a deep passion for guiding young individuals across various educational settings, ranging from nursery age to sixth form. Rooted in traditional Hatha training, her teaching style is a distinctive blend that harmonizes with the ever-changing seasons and embraces the innate energy of nature. Claire's approach encourages students to embark on a journey of self-discovery within their practice, emphasizing the synergy of movement and breath.

Specializing in Yoga and Mindfulness for Pregnancy and Birth, Claire facilitates classes that honor the transformative journey from woman to mother. Through gentle movement, conscious breathing, and bonding exercises with their babies, her students embrace the profound changes within their bodies with grace and empowerment.

Before embarking on her teaching path, Claire cultivated a dedicated Ashtanga practice and ran her own Complementary Therapy practice in Sheen. Offering a range of holistic treatments including Reiki, Hot Stone Therapy, Aromatherapy, and Seated Acupressure, she found fulfillment in facilitating energetic healing and holistic well-being.

Continuing to deepen her own yoga journey, Claire collaborates with fellow passionate teachers, enriching her practice and expanding her knowledge. Guiding others along their paths with joy and gratitude, she considers it a profound privilege to share her wisdom and experiences with her students.

A Typical Class

Our accredited yoga instructor designs classes tailored specifically for teenagers. A typical session includes:

1. Warm-up: Gentle stretches and breathing exercises to prepare the body and mind for practice.

2. Asanas (Poses): A series of poses that promote strength, flexibility, and balance, adapted to suit different skill levels.

3. Pranayama (Breathing): Techniques to control and deepen the breath, helping teens manage stress and anxiety.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Guided meditation sessions to enhance focus and emotional regulation.

5. Cool-down: Relaxation exercises to conclude the session and leave participants feeling refreshed and centered.

Meet Our Accredited Instructor: Our experienced and certified yoga instructor specializes in teaching teenagers. With a deep understanding of adolescent development and mental health, our instructor creates a safe and supportive environment for teens to explore yoga's benefits.

Conclusion: Yoga is not just a physical practice; it's a holistic approach to well-being that can positively impact teenagers' lives. By enrolling your teen in our yoga classes, you're providing them with valuable tools to navigate the challenges of adolescence while nurturing their mental and physical health. Give your teenager the gift of balance and wellness with yoga – a practice they can carry with them throughout their lives.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about our classes and how we can support your teen's journey towards a healthier, happier, and more balanced life..