Joy in the Journey
In a world where with one click of a finger we can have what we desire, the beauty of patience becomes lost. The joy of the journey is missed and the gratification of the goal is out of reach.
Nature beautifully signifies the art of patience, the wonder in the journey and the abundance in the flow of life.
With each seed lives the limitless potential to sprout, to bloom and to serve bountiful purpose.
Some plants have the gift of healing
Some plants bring joy to the hearts of loved ones
Some plants provide energy and nutrients
Some plants inspire and muse the creatives
All plant life provides us with the vital force. The air we breath. Our breath is our connection to all life. It is the reminder that we are all connected.
Each plant has its own unique journey, frequently changing course as it moves towards the sunlight when seeking energy or closing its flower if it receives too much, some growing tall over hundreds of years like the oak tree and some flourishing after only a few days like broccoli sprouts.
Yet every plant has its roots beneath the surface. Just as important as growing up is the growing down. These roots are equally intricate and expansive as what we see above the surface and not to be taken for granted. They too require nurturing for they are the foundations of the beauty we see.
Nature provides a clear symbolic meaning that each of us also have our own unique journey. Equally as important as striving to reach our heights is growing our soul. It’s the journey we take behind the scenes but has profound importance and the potential it brings forth is limitless. The inner journey often appears a thankless task but without this the foundations from which we grow into ourselves wouldn’t be fructiferous. You are a seed with unlimited potential to inspire, to create, to heal. Nurture your soul, connect with your breath to connect with life, listen intuitively, remembering the wisdom in set backs and adaptations and find the joy in the journey and the beauty in patience.