Inspired by Nature

Flourish Yoga acknowledges that nature has a lot more to tell us than meets the eye. Nature beautifully signifies the unique journeys we all take in life, emphasises the importance of the stillness for its during the seemingly stillness that all growing takes place. Symbolising our own inner journey, the expansiveness, intricacy and importance of the roots that go unseen but are vital for any plant life to thrive, remind us to tend to our own inner world for us to flourish.

Yoga is a limitless tool for sustaining mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Yoga teachings encompasses wholeness and healing.

Yoga means union

Yoga does not only reflect a physical practice it encompasses all aspects of life and brings them into union.

Yoga means the bringing together of all aspects of life. The union of the inner and outer, the union of the light and dark, yin and yang, sun and mood, sense and nonsense, life and death and so on. Yoga is much about acceptance of the duality that resides in everything. There is no one thing . without another, no me without you. It reminds us that our world is built on our own perspectives and so to change our world is to change the way we think.

Classes are designed to suit all levels with modifications offered throughout. Emphasis on students listening to their own intuitive wisdom to guide the expression of their practice.

Yoga classes, are a collective of flowing and stillness postures, meditation and breath work practices.

Classes will encourage silence and stillness to allow us space to connect to the present moment.

Throughout the connection to breath will be at the core of our learning and explored deeper during pranayama practice.

Flowing through sun salutation we can embody the dance of life whilst cultivating an attitude of gratitude and welcoming universal energy and wisdom.

Asanas and mudras to invoke; cleansing stagnant energy shifting stuck thought patterns, promoting openness and dissolving resistance to change.

Flourish yoga classes will give you the tools to bring balance, strength, openness and courage on the mat and in your life as well as the ancient wisdom teachings behind the practice of traditional Hatha Yoga.

Working on bringing balance to mind body and soul

Flourish Yoga Classes

Venue and Facilities

Flourish Yoga Studio is in Marvan Court 1 Waldgrave Teddington London.

There are toilet facilities next door to the studio.

Mats, blocks, straps and blankets are provided, although general guidance is to bring your own where possible but not to worry for those of you who are on the go.

This is a private studio and is available for those who wish to have private teaching or in small groups or couples.

Love a yoga party? Me to, happy to host at the studio or in the privacy of peoples own homes providing the space is suitable.


  • Classes

    Currently offering classes, Including pre commute sunrise hatha, Moonlit evening flows, Lunch time energisers, Pregnancy and Beginner classes.

  • Private One to One

    Private one to one meditation and yoga teaching. 1 or 1.5 hour sessions. Private studio access. Home tuition available conditioned to suitable space.

  • Private Group Yoga

    Private group or couples bookings. Private studio access. Private home yoga parties available conditioned to suitable space.


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